Alain Wilson author

The name:
Alain Wilson


  • The article contains the best way to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home. Doing exercises at home can help quickly cure cervical osteochondrosis. Folk recipes and remedies for cervical osteochondrosis.
    22 October 2021
  • Osteochondrosis-proper treatment and prevention, the cause and stage of osteochondrosis, symptoms, types of osteochondrosis, diagnosis, treatment, medication, artificial treatment and massage, preventive measures and diet.
    19 March 2021
  • The main cause of the development and symptoms of hip arthritis. Treatment options for the disease: medicine and folk remedies, massage and physical therapy, nutrition correction. Preventive advice.
    16 January 2021
  • Why hurt the knee: causes, what to do. The anatomical structure of the knee. The causes of knee pain. The types of knee pain. The diagnosis of disorders that cause pain to the knee. Treatment of knee pain.
    12 June 2020